Hitchhike - Carpool - Rideshare - Shared cars

Klokan is the fast and easy way to share rides with people going your way.
New: Shared cars (app only)

Video :)

Get to know Klokan

Apps are available for iOS and Android. But you can also use our web-app in the browser.

Klokan app Google Play Klokan app iTunes App Store Klokan webapp

More about Klokan

About the Klokan Project

PlayStore AppStore Web App

How to participate as a DRIVER

You can participate in two ways (or both):

While driving

  • In your car, put your telephone in the holder where you can see it.
  • Start the App or open the Web-App
  • Press the button "On the road, offer seat"
  • If asked, allow for Location updates
  • Enter a few details (see the Help-button on top)
  • Press the button "GoGo!"
That's it. You're online now! If riders are nearby, they will show up on your screen and you are free to invite them.
Riders cannot hail you.
Make it a habit to turn on Klokan when you start driving. The more people use it, the greater the chance of success!
Watch the video on top of this page for a live example.

Scheduled trips

  • Start the App or open the Web-App
  • Press the button "Carpooling, scheduled trips"
  • Press "Offers", next select "Mine" on top
  • Press the PLUS-button to add a trip
  • Select "Just once" for an occasional trip. Select "Repeating ride" for regular trips, like commuting.
  • Enter the details of your trip.
  • Press "Save & Close"
Your trip is now continuously matched with searched trips.

Don't forget to add the trip back!

How to participate as a RIDER

You can participate in two ways (or both):

Along the road

  • Start the App or open the Web-App
  • Press the button "Along the road, need a lift"
  • If asked, allow for Location updates
  • Enter a few details (see the Help-button on top)
  • Confirm your detected location
  • Press the button "GoGo!"
Now you are visible to drivers! If you see drivers as blue cars, then they can see you too. They can view your profile and invite you. An invitation will pop up here on this screen.
You cannot hail a specific driver. They already can see you and will (hopefully) invite you. Don't forget to take a white carboard and a pencil.
Watch the video on top of this page for a live example.

Scheduled trips

  • Start the App or open the Web-App
  • Press the button "Carpooling, scheduled trips"
  • Press "Searches", next select "Mine" on top
  • Press the PLUS-button to add a trip
  • If you're searching for a frequent ride, like for commuting or going to school, choose a starting date and an end date. For a "just once" search, make the starting date and the ending date the same.
  • Enter the details of your trip.
  • Press "Save & Close"
Your search is now continuously matched with all existing and new offers.
As soon as a match is found, you will be notified (check your email settings!) and you can contact the driver.

Don't forget to add the trip back!

Free or paid rides?

Imagine, a driver takes a passenger for free. Great, nice driver! There's nothing wrong with that.

Imagine another driver who asks to chip in a fair share in the cost of the gas. Understandable, nothing wrong with that either.

In Klokan both options are available. Just make sure your intentions are clear.

Recommended settings

Browser (Web-App)

Klokan Web-App is a website that runs, like all websites, inside your browser. What Klokan can do is therefore limited by what your browser can do.
If Klokan needs your GPS-location, it gets it by asking the browser. The browser will ask the user for permission.
To use the GPS, the Location Service must be turned ON in your phone's settings, and the browser (Firefox, Safari, Chrome etc) must be allowed to access the GPS fine location.

The same applies to the Camera.

Unlike in the Apps, Klokan Web-App can not prevent your phone from going to sleep. When the phone goes to sleep, al communication with the Klokan Service stops and you won't see this driver or passenger showing up.
So, when using Klokan Web-App, it's best so set a larger screen timeout in your phone's settings.

Android App

The Klokan App will ask for all needed permissions (Camera, GPS, Storage). GPS should be turned ON in the phone's settings.
GPS is only needed along the road. With the GPS location, Klokan can calculate the proximity between drivers and riders. To save battery, GPS is only turned ON when needed.

iPhone App

The iPhone will ask for all needed permissions (Camera, GPS, Storage). GPS is only needed along the road. With the GPS location, Klokan can calculate the proximity between drivers and riders. To save battery, GPS is only turned ON when needed.

Signup & Profile

Sign Up

Why must I sign up to use Klokan?
Hitchhiking and ridesharing are also a matter of trust. When you sign up, you can have a profile with a picture and we can send you notifications. It also keeps away a lot of junk and spam.

Problems signing up
Some known issues when signing up with Klokan:

  • Misspelled email address
  • Email in spambox. This happens often with Outlook, Hotmail, MSN and Live.
  • No SMS received. Please make sure you used INTERNATIONAL notation for your phone number, starting with a plus-sign and country-code.
  • Adblocker or other plugin in browser prevents sending signup data.
  • As an alternative, you can also sign up from the iPhone App or the Android App.


Items in your profile:

  • Your displayed name As a start, the first part of your email address is used, but you can (and should) edit it to reflect the name you want people to see when your profile is shown to them.
  • Your picture Other users want to know more about you before they decide to invite you or to accept your invitation, so show your best face!
  • A picture of your car Drivers... show a picture of your car so riders know which one to hop in!
  • License plate Optional. Your license plate is shown to passengers you're about to pick up. This way they will easily recognize your car.
  • Phone number Optional. If a phone number is available, it will be shown only via the MATCHES page. It might come in handy when e.g. a passenger missed his carpool and he quickly needs to contact another driver from his list of matches.
  • Your home city Your city of residence is used to show nearby Klokan members and for statistical purposes.
  • Social media links If you have a profile on social media, like Facebook, Ello, Seen, LinkedIn etcetera, and you want your profile shown to other members, you can put the URL here.
  • Groups you've joined Being a member of one or more groups, you can connect to fellow members of these groups.

Feeling safe

Of course Klokan cannot guarantee your safety, but if safety is a concern for you, check the following options which, at least, may make you feel safer.


Connect to Maybe it feels a bit more comfortable if you know the person you're riding with is an approved group member or even a fellow group member.
Access Key You may feel more secure if a friend can find out where you are. If you use Klokan, your GPS location is known. It will be there for the last 7 days.
The friend can find you on this website, using your email address and this access key (6-12 characters).
A friend's email address The KLOKAN app for hitchhiking has the possibility to quickly send a photo. This photo will be sent to a friend's email address. If left empty it will be sent to your own email address.
To avoid spamming, this friend should have a Klokan account as well and must have the email-notification option set.


Being a member of one or more groups, you can connect to fellow members of these groups.
Anyone can create a group. Conditions apply.
Please contact groups@Klokan.org for details.


Take and send a picture You can take a picture with your phone's camera and have Klokan send it to a pre-specified email address.
If you did not specify a friends email address in your settings, the mail is sent to your email address.


Check a member's profile. You should see a profile picture and a name. It gives you a first impression.


Klokan can send you an email:

  • When Matches If a trip is found, matching your search, do you want to be notified?
  • Occasional Newsletter Very unfrequent, we send out a newsletter. Do you wish to receive it?
  • Safety email from friends A friend (also member of Klokan) might want to send you a sign-of-life email. Do you wish to receive such emails?
  • When new messages Do you wish to be notified if someone comments to your trip or sends you a private message?
European GDPR law prohibits that we send you emails without asking. Please also review your email-preferences under Menu/Settings.

Who we are

Klokan is a non-profit project with the aim of promoting carpooling and hitching.

Team Klokan:










Netherlands, Vlissingen








Netherlands, Vlissingen




Netherlands, Vlissingen




Germany, Leipzig


Also a big thanks to Alexandra, Alexandros, Beata, Federica, Anna, Giancarlo, Marko, Sophie, Aymeric, Dewi, Will, Lennard, Michaela, James, Jenny, Saten, Maja, Kim and Mary-Jane for their text-reviews, translations, ideas, graphics, field tests, inspiration and support!

Privacy, Cookies, Terms, Permissions


  1. KLOKAN will not share user data with third parties.
  2. Your (optional) PROFILE data is visible only to people with whom you have a match.
  3. KLOKAN does not track or interfere with payments between users.


Klokan Web-App works without cookies, but if cookies are enabled:

  • the language selection is persistent
  • your last position is preserved
  • auto-login works
  • your settings are persistent
  • a session recovers automatically after a disconnect, like when driving through a tunnel.
No third-party cookies, trackers or other annoying stuff are used, so it's strongly recommended to allow cookies for Klokan Web-App.

This website does not need any cookies.

Terms of use

  1. The mission of KLOKAN is to get more people in a car, worldwide.
  2. Drivers and passengers can connect via the App or Web-App
  3. KLOKAN cannot guarantee that drivers and passengers get connected.
  4. KLOKAN cannot guarantee the correctness of user submitted data.
  5. KLOKAN does not manage available seats.
  6. Submitted data that has nothing to do with ridesharing will be removed.
  7. Misbehaving users will be removed from the userlist.
  8. Use KLOKAN service at your own risk. KLOKAN cannot be held responsible for any event arising from the use of the service.
  9. By using the KLOKAN service, participants comply with these terms and conditions.

Some statistics

Drivers online1
Riders online0
Logged in last 24 hours5

Problems with Public Transport

Public transport? Great!
But sometimes it's not an option.
Try Klokan!

When there are problems with Public Transport, or strikes, or you just missed your carpool mate, passengers get stuck. Klokan may be of help!

Passengers can go online. Use the button "Along the road, need a lift", and draw the attention of a friendly driver.

Drivers can go online using the button "On the road, offer seat". Nearby passengers will show up on their screen and the driver can invite them.

Frequently asked questions

There are many websites about hitchhiking, ridesharing and carpooling. What's special about Klokan?
Klokan is about all three: carpooling, hitchhiking and ridesharing. Furthermore it's free to use, it doesn't collect user data, it doesn't handle payments, it doesn't track rides. It works everywhere if internet is available and Klokan is, as far as we know, unique.
A quick and rough calculation shows that, in order to be usable, Klokan needs about 0.1% of all drivers to join. Is that realistic and achievable?
Yes, that's a lot. Let's call it a challenge!
Only a few people post their scheduled trips or searches. How come?
Good question. No idea. Free beer for the magic tip!
About this website
Why must I sign up to use Klokan?
Hitchhiking and ridesharing are also a matter of trust. When you sign up, you can have a profile with a picture and we can send you notifications. It also keeps away a lot of junk and spam.
My search or ride has disappeared. Why?
There are two possible causes. Either you deleted it yourself, or it is deleted by the system because it expired (2 days after date).

About the Klokan Project
I think the use of a smartphone while hitchhiking takes away the romantic and freedom aspect of hitchhiking.
We think it doesn't change anything except increasing mutual visibility for drivers and hitchhikers. It's not a replacement for your thumb, it's an amplifier that makes your thumb and your destination visible from a bigger distance.
What is the difference between "In range" and "Possible candidates"?
"In range" means both driver and passenger are within each others range. "Possible candidates" means that other settings, like available seats, contribution etcetera also match.
Won't using GPS on a smartphone drain the battery?
For drivers, the GPS is constantly on, because the driver moves. But drivers usually have their smartphone connected to the car battery.
For passengers and hitchhikers, the GPS device is turned off as soon as the location is detected, thus preserving the battery.
As a passenger, can I draw the attention of a driver?
You draw attention by being a passenger. You will show up on the driver's screen. If you can see the driver, the driver can see you. But only the driver can invite you, not vice versa.
Why is there no picklist for the destination?
It would cost a lot of data traffic. We want to avoid that on smartphones. Further it's up to the passenger or hitchhiker to write something that is meaningful to the driver. You can also write a streetname, a football stadion, or just "South".
For scheduled trips, there is a picklist.
Why Taxi's?
In a busy town center it's easy to hail a cab. But outside the center, it's more difficult. With the taxi-option you can hail a cab from a distance, visible to taxi's using Klokan.

Security and Privacy
So my data is ONLY used for this website and the purpose of ride sharing? Therefore not shared or sold or used for any other purpose?
That's correct.
When I use Klokan while hitch hiking, can anyone see my exact GPS position?
No. Only when you have accepted a drivers' invitation, your precise GPS-position is sent to the drivers' smartphone, so he/she can easily find you.
When I delete my account, all my profile and possible other data is deleted?
Yes. You no longer exist in our database.

Everything on the internet is being paid for, one way or another. How do you guys finance this project?
True. Maybe one of these days a page will appear with mugs, caps and T-shirts. :)
Why don't you use ads to finance this project?
The goal of Klokan is to promote ridesharing, not to attract advertisers. We want to stay completely independent and focus on the core activity: More People In A Car

Your question not listed? Don't hesitate to contact us!

Contact / Feedback

Sign Up

Please provide your email address and a self chosen password.
Next, tap "Create account".
If you're not already in our list, you should receive an email within minutes.

If you have not received an email, please also check your spam/junk box.

If you don't have access to your email and need to sign up immediately, please enter your INTERNATIONAL (start with +) mobile phone number to receive an SMS. Otherwise leave blank.
Sample: +31651222333 - Mind the + !!

Email or password cannot be empty.
This email address already exists in our database.
Please provide a valid email address
Registration successful.
An email (or SMS) is sent to you.
Password at least 6 chars
Password max. 30 chars.